Friday, August 17, 2007

Diana: Looking Back

As it is the 10th anniversary of her death(August 31,1997), I thought that I would do a post about the late and infamous princess Diana. Adored by the people of the world, and stalked by the press, she lead a life that was very different than what the public thought she did. She yearned for approval and attention from the royal family and her royal spouse. Her so called marriage began to crumble soon after the birth of her first son, William. She suffered from depression and an eating disorder. One interesting thing I learned was that she did not marry above her status. Her ancestors were the ones who put the early royal family on the throne. So indeed it was not Charles who married below status, but Diana. Interesting huh? Well anyways, here is a bunch of pictures I found chronicling her life. From childood, to royalty, it's (almost) all here. I hope you like it!

This is taken with her youngest brother, Bobby.

The Princess with the children. I think this is from when she taught kindergarten, I don't think the kids are William and Harry.

I love this picture. I just think it's so funny.

A photo of the royal family. See if you ca find: Charles, Queen Elizabeth, Harry, and William.

An image of elegance and beauty.


Aisha said...

She was so feminine and elegant, i agree.

I saw the concert in tribute to Diana on tv and also saw Harry and Willian, and they look happy, but i know they'd be SO better if she was alive.


Anonymous said...

what a gorgeous and thoughtful post, I enjoyed it!

-ciao bella- said...

her death is still so tragic- when i was in london this year i went and saw her most famous dresses and then watched a short film on her and it was so moving. great post

stephy said...

she was a wonderful, caring, exquisite woman. love the blog! keep it up!

Annie said...

She really was an extraordinary and beautiful woman.

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